On Romans 13 (and Other Matters)

Wise and gracious – please read and share with a pastor.

Samuel Parkison

There seems to be a lot of confusion about civic government for Christians today. What is a faithful, Christian response to government edicts? Does the justness of the edict have any bearing on how we answer that question? The way Romans 13:1-7 has been pulled out and slapped over the mouth of any believer who dares even to ask such a question, we might assume that the answer is no. Romans 13:1-7 says, “obey.” End of story, right? Except for the fact that the same Paul who wrote this letter to the Roman church about the Roman government was beheaded by this same Roman government. I think we can safely assume that whatever the executioner said, it was not, “Since you are obeying us, your civic rulers, we are sentencing you to death.” So, what gives?

In order for us to understand God’s purpose for civic government, we need to…

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